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Fleet Feet Store Partners with Newton to Put the Special in Specialty Running
March 24, 2014
Every New Year’s Eve, Stephanie Blozy and her sister set goals. In 2005, with both of them looking for a change, they agreed they should go into business together. Next, they considered what kind of business. “We listed our passions, and we only had 2: chocolate and running. We liked to bake, but it never […]

Red Coyote Running and Fitness
November 4, 2013
If you’re headed to Oklahoma City be sure to check out this running hot spot. Jon and Burke Beck have both been running since high school. They ran Division 3 in college and worked in running stores after they graduated—Burke, near Washington, DC and Jon, in Rochester, New York. The two met, in San Diego, […]

Newton Running Receiving $20M Investment from Fireman Partners
June 10, 2011
The rumors are true! Newton Running just signed a deal to receive a substantial investment from a Boston-based investment firm, Fireman Capital Partners. “Combining FCP’s expertise in sales and marketing with our innovative technology will allows us to continue our rapid growth and maintain our position as the leader in natural running footwear and […]

Sir and Lady Isaac Product Details
September 2, 2009
We’ve had some recent requests to post information on the new Sir and Lady Isaac shoes that are now available on Newton Running. The Sir and Lady Isaac’s intelligent control is great for all foot types. The Isaac is a neutral guidance trainer designed for runners committed to improving their running form to the more efficient midfoot/forefoot […]

M.I.T. Students Reinvent Running Shoe Lab Testing
February 23, 2009
Science and innovation are cornerstones of our business at Newton Running. Over ten years ago, when Newton Running co-founder Danny Abshire first started testing radically different running shoe prototypes, he recognized the importance of a quantitative, scientific results to prove Newton technology designs worked. However, Danny soon learned that current lab testing is antiquated and […]

Newton in Japan and the UK
November 4, 2008
By the end of this month, Newton Running shoes will be available at several specialty retailers in both Japan and the UK. One of our international distributors just sent us these cool photos: October 26 at the Japanese National Triathlon Championships in Tokyo. And Team Triathlon Consultants after the Marlow Half Marathon in the UK […]