Newton co-founder Jerry Lee Inducted into Business Hall of Fame
behind the scenes media coverage1 May 2009

(The 2009 Boulder County Business Hall of Fame inductees. Jerry is front left. Photo: Lewis Geyer/Times-Call)
We’re incredibly proud of Newton’s co-founder and CEO, Jerry Lee, who was inducted into the Boulder County Business Hall of Fame yesterday. Over 400 people attended the event, which inducted seven new members who, “who exemplify business, cultural and philanthropic achievements that serve as the foundation of communities in the county.”
From the Boulder County Business Report.
Jerry Lee
For real estate developer/entrepreneur Jerry Lee, the first important fork in his road of life came when he chose take a job with W.W. Reynolds and move to Boulder from Illinois, leaving behind not only his parents, but 14 brothers and sisters as well.
“Our family is very close, so it was difficult,” he said.
Working as an accountant for the company, Lee took lessons in real estate development from his boss and mentor, William Reynolds, and was named company president in 1983. As a continuation of his partnership in real estate development with Reynolds, Lee created his own company, Lee Real Estate, in 2000.
In recent years, Lee took another road by assisting local entrepreneur Danny Abshire in designing and marketing a new athletic shoe. First marketed in 2007, the Newton is an ergonomic, lightweight running show that mimics barefoot running while providing greater cushioning on impact. The Newton is a culmination of Lee’s passion for running, which has led him to compete in 15 marathons.
Lee’s philanthropic work includes serving on numerous committees for the city of Boulder, including serving more than a decade on the Boulder Urban Renewal Board.
Today, Lee runs Lee Real Estate and serves as chief executive of Newton Running Company. He also continues to partner in real estate projects with Reynolds.
Lee lives in Boulder with his wife, Donna. The couple has two children.
“I believe in the old adage of treating people the way you want to be treated. It’s super important and has been a key to my career,” Lee said. “And in order to be successful, sometimes you have to find out the hard way that there are things you think you know – but you really don’t.”