Morton’s Neuroma Sufferer Finds Relief
testimonials28 February 2011
We at Newton Running try to not to toot our own horn too often, but we do like to share success stories from Newton customers. In this case, M.D. of Vancouver, British Columbia, found relief from Morton’s Neuroma with Newton Running shoes. Here’s her story:
“Yesterday while shopping for a new pair of running shoes for my husband, a very cute shoe caught my eye, it was the Newton Terra Momentus. (Newton Running no longer carries the Terra Momentus, but the Lady Isaac S is a great alternative!) I asked to try them on and fell in love at first wearing. I have been struggling with Morton’s Neuroma in my right foot for over a year and had reached the point of accepting that I would just have to get used to the pain.
As soon as I tried on the shoe, I realized that the point of contact was at the mid foot, thereby avoiding the metatarsal and the neuroma. I got excited. I took a quick jog outside and got more excited and bought the shoes
I couldn’t wait to get to the gym this morning to give them a real test drive. Sure enough, I could do all the high impact moves that I wasn’t able to do before. The only thing that held me back was my own fitness level rather than the neuroma!”
Individuals that suffer from Morton’s Neuroma have different demands that need to be met. That being said, we can’t recommend a particular model to everyone, but we can say that we’ve had several success stories from people trying out the Lady Isaac S, Women’s Kismet II, Sir Isaac S and the Men’s Kismet II.